Nous travaillons pour la restauration de la planète et le bien être des communautés autochtones et locales
We work for the restoration of the planet and the welfare of indigenous and local communities
La culture Zangbéto de Sô-Ava sur le lac Nokoué

Nos groupement de femmes communautaires
AMAF-BENIN is a member of the Board Director of the Alliance for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD- Alliance) and has Observer Status with the Green Climate Fund (GCF). AMAF-BENIN has a Special Accreditation with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).
AMAF-BENIN changed its logo and uses a new logo since January 2017
Community Forest Management (CFM)
It is perceived as the most effective method for indigenous peoples and local communities to enjoy the benefits of forests and land without depleting natural resources or undermining the climate.
Community Forest Management is a strategy that promotes, encourages and builds the capacity of grassroots communities to slow the loss of biodiversity and support mitigation and adaptation to climate change. It is also a measure to stop deforestation.
Community Protected Areas (CPA)
The creation of the Community Protected Areas (CPA) contributes significantly to community biodiversity conservation, to mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The creation of Community Protected Areas (CPA) also provides direct benefits to communities' rights and livelihoods.
We believe that the creation of the CPA would be a valuable aid for both sustainable development and social justice, and this form of management proves that it is possible to put in place a different development model that does not lead to deforestation.
The Biodiversity
The Forests and wetlands encompass the world's most vibrant ecosystems, home to an astonishing variety of birds, animals and plants that are under high human threats. That is why our actions focus on the sustainable conservation of forests and wetlands, based on strategies that provide benefits to the livelihoods of indigenous peoples and local communities.
Wetlands and Biodiversity
We recognize that wetlands represent the ecosystem with the highest rate of loss and degradation and the need for special attention for their conservation. It would be wise to continue the implementation of the Ramsar Convention under the direction of a renewed Strategic Plan reflecting the current challenges in wetland conservation; and we recognize that, when considering indicators of current trends, pressures on biodiversity and other wetland services will increase in the years to come.
In adhering to the reference to water and wetlands contained in the proposal of the Open-ended Working Group on Sustainable Development Objectives; we recognize that all wetlands, including the Ramsar Sites network, are of direct relevance to the achievement of any sustainable development goals related to poverty eradication, food and nutrition, healthy living, Gender equality, water quality and supply, water security, energy supply, natural disaster reduction, innovation and development of appropriate infrastructure, human settlements Sustainable development, adaptation to climate change, oceans, seas and marine resources, biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystems.

This workshop is an activity that is part of the implementation of the project's pilot action: "Education for Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds in Ramsar site 1018" for evaluated the activity of environmental education and conservation for the children of the public primary school of “Sô-Ava Centre” in progress.
AMAF-Benin is now joining in the celebration of World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) because of the current negative trends in land degradation.
AMAF-Benin therefore plans to supervise the children in primary schools of Sô-Ava to carry out an action to restore the wet forest ecosystems of Lake Nokoué in southern Benin. This action will contribute to ensuring the food security and ecological function of the lake, generate sustainable incomes and cope with the impacts of climate change.
The World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) is declared by the United Nations and is celebrated annually on 17 June.

Education to environmental and to conservation of the children of the public primary school of "Sô-Ava Centre".
Like all vultures, Gyps africanus, Gyps rueppellii and Torgos tracheliotus have suffered a significant decline in Benin. They are hunted or captured for commercial purposes. They are considered totem species for indigenous peoples and local communities Anii, Kotokoli and Lokpa of the Nod of Benin.

The populations of otters and red-bellied monkeys are under severe threats in our wetlands. Help us save them.
Workshop for information andawareness of the impacts of monoculture tree plantations in Benin.
Theoverall objective of this workshop is to inform and sensitize communities,local authorities, NGOs and wood growers on the negative impacts of monocultureand to get NGOs and communities to take ownership of the concept for goodinvolvement and rigorous monitoring of reforestation projects in theirlocalities.